Tag: Couchbase Server 4.0
Release Candidate for Couchbase Server 4.0 is Here
Today we’re excited to announce the release of Couchbase Server 4.0 Release Candidate (RC0) for testing. Release Candidate improves on the Couchbase Server 4.0 RC0 release from June with quality improvements. 4.0 release is a major release with major architectural...
Introducing Couchbase Server 4.0 Developer Preview
We’re excited to pull back the curtain on the developer preview of Couchbase Server 4.0. This early release comes with many great enhancements, including new query interface with N1QL (SQL+JSON), brand new indexing for low latency queries with Global Secondary...
Introducing N1QL: SQL gene in NoSQL
SQL Gene in NoSQL: Introducing N1QL NoSQL have been a reaction to relational movement that required rigid schema. Relational database bundled SQL query language to powerfully search and reshape the results to compensate. With version 4.0, Couchbase Server contains both the...