Tag: document patterns
FakeIt Series 5 of 5: Rapid Mobile Development with Sync-Gateway
How we can leverage FakeIt + Couchbase Server + Sync Gateway to get our local environment up and running for mobile development. We will be doing this by using Docker and docker-compose.
FakeIt Series 4 of 5: Working with Existing Data
FakeIt allows you to provide existing data to your models through JSON, CSV or CSON files. This data is exposed as an inputs variable in each of a models *run and *build functions.
FakeIt Series 3 of 5: Lean Models through Definitions
Definitions are a way of creating reusable set(s) within your model. It allows you to define a set of properties / values one time, referencing them multiple times throughout your model. Definitions in a FakeIt model are very similar to...
FakeIt Series 2 of 5: Shared Data and Dependencies
There are tons of random data generators available, a simple Google Search will give you more than enough to choose from. However, almost all of these have the same frustrating flaw, which is they can only ever deal with a...
FakeIt Series 1 of 5: Generating Fake Data
There are countless blog posts on data modeling, key and document patterns. All of these posts give a great introduction into how to structure and model your documents in Couchbase, but none of them tell you what to do next....