Tag: fts

Plataforma única, Couchbase multiuso: Pesquisa vetorial, geoespacial, SQL++ e muito mais

Plataforma única, Couchbase multiuso: Pesquisa vetorial, geoespacial, SQL++ e muito mais

Há casos de uso que são melhor atendidos por vários tipos de acesso a dados, incluindo SQL, pesquisa vetorial, consultas geoespaciais e acesso de valor-chave. Uma abordagem é combinar/encadear vários sistemas de dados para cada método de acesso. No entanto,...

Single Platform, Multi-Purpose Couchbase: Vector Search, Geospatial, SQL++, and More

Single Platform, Multi-Purpose Couchbase: Vector Search, Geospatial, SQL++, and More

There are use cases that are best served by multiple types of data access, including SQL, vector search, geospatial queries, and key-value access. One approach is to combine/chain together multiple data systems for each access method. However, the Couchbase approach...

Matthew Groves December 25, 2024
Announcing General Availability of the C++ SDK for Couchbase

Announcing General Availability of the C++ SDK for Couchbase

We are thrilled to announce the General Availability (GA) of the C++ SDK for Couchbase! This release adds support for native C++ language to our existing comprehensive set of SDK libraries in 11 programming languages and marks a significant milestone...

How to Build Indexes for Full-Text Search in Couchbase 7.0

How to Build Indexes for Full-Text Search in Couchbase 7.0

Indexes are the underlying infrastructure that make full-text search possible. The new Scopes and Collections feature in Couchbase Server 7.0 makes full-text search in your applications more powerful than ever before. Powering those searches requires full-text indexes. This article provides...

How to Add Full-Text Search Functionality to Your JavaScript App

How to Add Full-Text Search Functionality to Your JavaScript App

It’s unavoidable: If you’re working with a document database, you’re eventually going to need to search for (and through) your JSON documents. In this tutorial, you’ll add the full-text search capabilities of Couchbase to the basic REST API built with...

How to Use Full-Text Search across Couchbase Scopes & Collections

How to Use Full-Text Search across Couchbase Scopes & Collections

The Full-Text Search Service now offers better search performance and resource utilization across your cluster with the introduction of Scopes and Collections in Couchbase 7.0. Let’s take a quick step back: The 7.0 release of Couchbase Server introduces the concept...

Sreekanth Sivasankaran August 19, 2021


Over time, the database industry has realized full-text search and SQL are two sides of the same coin.  Text search needs further query processing, query processing needs text search to efficiently filter for text patterns.   The SQL databases have added...

Keshav Murthy July 7, 2020
FTS and N1QL: Better MongoDB in Operator Performance Querying Multiple Arrays

FTS and N1QL: Better MongoDB in Operator Performance Querying Multiple Arrays

Introduction Couchbase Full Text Search (FTS) is a great fit for indexing multiple arrays and executing queries with multiple filter predicates in arrays.  In this article, I’ll demonstrate the advantages of using FTS over GSI (Global Secondary Index) for array...

Full Text Search Indexing Best Practices by Use Case

Full Text Search Indexing Best Practices by Use Case

Introduction Full text search (FTS) indexing can be challenging for those who are not familiar with search in general.  In this post, we’ll take some common search use cases and work through the creation of appropriate indexes following best practices...

Introducing FTS with N1QL

Introducing FTS with N1QL

Topics this article will cover What’s good with N1QL? What about FTS? But why FTS within N1QL? Basic N1QL+FTS queries Deploying N1QL+FTS Syntax(es) Abilities & limitations N1QL+FTS Internals Covered-index vs Non-covered-index queries More N1QL+FTS query examples What’s next? 1. Couchbase’s...

Search & Rescue: 7 Reasons N1QL Developers Use Search

Search & Rescue: 7 Reasons N1QL Developers Use Search

People don’t want a four key index.  They need a four-ms response. Ted Levitt Application development is demanding. Each application is trying to progress on behalf of the customer — searching for the right product or the right form, ordering,...

Keshav Murthy April 22, 2019
N1QL & SEARCH: Leverage Full-Text Search (FTS) Index in N1QL

N1QL & SEARCH: Leverage Full-Text Search (FTS) Index in N1QL

With Couchbase v6.5, Full-Text Search is now integrated into the Couchbase N1QL query construct. Customers can now leverage FTS indexes directly with N1QL. This provides developers a single API to combine N1QL exact predicate matching and FTS powerful searching. The...

Binh Le December 11, 2018