Tag: global secondary index

Index Service Improvements in Couchbase Server 7.2.2 : Part 1
Since the start of this year, we (Couchbase Indexing Team) undertook a project to improve indexing service on Capella. This blog discusses the goals we planned to achieve at the start of this project and the list of improvements delivered...

Introducing Ottoman v2.0: An ODM for Node.js & Couchbase
On behalf of the Couchbase team, I’m absolutely thrilled to announce the General Availability of Ottoman 2.0. Ottoman is an Object Document Mapper (ODM) library for Couchbase and Node.js that maps JSON documents stored in Couchbase to native JavaScript objects....

How to Use Global Secondary Index Partitioning for More Than Partitions
As a field engineer, I work with customers and often see them using Couchbase features with a “thinking-out-of-the-box” approach. One such feature that I see being used more creatively is Global Secondary Index (GSI) partitions. Let’s first discuss GSI and...

What Is a JSON Database & Why Are They Useful?
My family hears me talk about JSON databases rather frequently. Naturally, I had to explain that Jason is not the owner of my company! Instead, many modern databases use JSON as a data format. They usually leave the room at...