Tag: go

Text Analysis within a Full-Text Search Engine
Full-Text Search refers to techniques for searching text content within a document or a collection of documents that hold textual content. A Full-Text search engine examines all the textual content within documents as it tries to match a single search...

Introducing Couchbase Go SDK 2.0 Alpha
I’m pleased to announce the Couchbase Go SDK 2.0 Alpha. This new SDK brings in a series of changes across all of the Couchbase SDKs that the team has been putting together. The new SDKs bring a completely new API...

A Couchbase Analytics Example using the Go SDK
This post illustrates the use of Couchbase Analytics with the Couchbase Go SDK. Couchbase Analytics is a new service available in Couchbase Server 6.0, you can read more at https://docs.couchbase.com/server/6.0/analytics/introduction.html. In this post we’re going to use a real world...

Couchbase Go SDK 1.4.0 Released!
We’ve recently pushed out another minor release of the Couchbase Go SDK: 1.4.0. This is a new minor version and most notably includes support for Response Time Observability and Transparent Compression. What’s in this release? We’ve added support for Transparent...

Timed tasks using Couchbase and Go
Alberto Marchetti is a full-stack developer, and author of “RenderScript: parallel computing on Android, the easy way.” He is always living on the edge by constantly jumping into the discovery of modern languages and technologies. Timed tasks using Couchbase and Go In...

Handle Data Modeling Errors in a Golang with Couchbase Application
I’ve been developing with Couchbase and the Go SDK for a while now, but recently I ran into an issue that I deemed to be a bug in the SDK after hours of troubleshooting. I was trying to execute a...

The Couchbase Sub-Document API for Go
The Sub-Document API – go You’ve probably heard about the sub-document (subdoc) API available in couchbase 4.5. Mark Nunberg, one of the architects of the new API, has a great blog on the motivation and impetus behind extending the Memcached (key-value)...

N1QL – Typed and Untyped JSON Schemas in GO
N1QL + Go + JSON Marshaling Developed by Couchbase for use with Couchbase Server, N1QL provides a common query language and JSON-based data model for distributed document-oriented databases. N1QL is a powerful and expressive query language. Among the numerous benefits...

Couchbase Go SDK Developer Preview!
I am happy to announce the first Developer Preview of our official Go SDK (gocb) today. While in the past, we have had the go-couchbase project which does provide access to many of Couchbase’s features, it was primarily intended...