Tag: kubernetes

Public Network, External DNS & Couchbase Autonomous Operator

Public Network, External DNS & Couchbase Autonomous Operator

Why expose the Couchbase database on the public network? Below are some examples: Cross-Data Center Replication (XDCR) for High Availability and Disaster Recovery Client SDK access to Couchbase cluster Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) platforms *Note – All of these use cases share...

Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.0 For Kubernetes Is Now GA!

Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.0 For Kubernetes Is Now GA!

We’re proud to announce the general availability of Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.0. We have achieved significant milestones since we first announced production certification of Couchbase Server on Docker containers in June of 2016, and with Autonomous Operator 2.0, we are...

Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.0 with Prometheus – Part 2

Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.0 with Prometheus – Part 2

Prerequisites As mentioned in Part 1 of the blog, we need to run Prometheus and Grafana in the Kubernetes environment on our Amazon EKS. The recommended way is to use Kube-Prometheus, an Open Source project. Not only will this simplify...

Prasad Doddi April 21, 2020
Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.0 with Prometheus – Part 1

Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.0 with Prometheus – Part 1

We recently announced the latest preview of the Couchbase Autonomous Operator (CAO) 2.0 beta. This release is a significant update to the Couchbase Autonomous Operator. Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.0 introduces several new enterprise-grade features with fully autonomous capabilities – security,...

Prasad Doddi April 21, 2020
Why Couchbase Is the Best NoSQL Option for Red Hat OpenShift

Why Couchbase Is the Best NoSQL Option for Red Hat OpenShift

Red Hat’s leadership in the container orchestration space with OpenShift mirrors Couchbase’s leadership in the containerized database space with its Autonomous Operator. This fact is the foundation of the partnership between Red Hat and Couchbase. I’ve personally worked on the...

Evan Pease April 13, 2020
Announcing Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.0 Beta

Announcing Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.0 Beta

Introducing Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.0 Beta Today, we are delighted to announce the latest preview of the Couchbase Autonomous Operator (CAO) 2.0 beta. This release is a significant update to the Couchbase Autonomous Operator. This release introduces several new enterprise-grade...

Couchbase Backup / Restore in K8s Environment

Couchbase Backup / Restore in K8s Environment

1. Introduction Periodic backup of data is an important part of any production database deployment, which helps ensure data recovery in the event of a disaster and it also minimizes data inconsistency when a restore is required. Couchbase provides cbbackupmgr...

ASP.NET Core Kubernetes Tutorial for AKS

ASP.NET Core Kubernetes Tutorial for AKS

ASP.NET Core Kubernetes tutorial will be covered in this blog post, as a follow-up to ASP.NET Core Microservices: Getting Started. I just saw this and it made me laugh WAY HARDER than it probably should have. pic.twitter.com/R1wleGZM0B — Carmen Crincoli...

Matthew Groves January 24, 2020
Infosys “OpenHack” Development Program Features Couchbase

Infosys “OpenHack” Development Program Features Couchbase

Couchbase is expanding its partnerships with industry-leading global systems integrators and regional solution providers.  Through these partnerships, Couchbase’s unique capabilities can be delivered to our global footprint of enterprise customers. We collaborate closely with our Strategic Alliance partner Infosys to...

Tutorial: Couchbase Autonomous Operator On Minikube

Tutorial: Couchbase Autonomous Operator On Minikube

This hands-on tutorial blog primarily covers details around setting up Couchbase Kubernetes Operator on a laptop/desktop running minikube. It features setting up custom TLS certs and persistent volumes. Along with checking how to scale up and down the cluster. Also...

Ram Dhakne September 4, 2019
Autonomous Operator 1.2.0 Public Connectivity

Autonomous Operator 1.2.0 Public Connectivity

In my previous article I discussed—from a high level—the new Public Connectivity feature in Autonomous Operator 1.2.0.  This was intentionally an abstract overview in order to coax the user to learn about the joys of DDNS, TLS and layer 3...

Running Couchbase Autonomous Operator on VMware

Running Couchbase Autonomous Operator on VMware

Cormac Hogan is a Director and Chief Technologist in the Office of the CTO in the Storage and Availability Business Unit (SABU) at VMware.  Bio: I joined VMware back in April 2005, and have previously held roles in VMware’s Engineering,...