Tag: modeling
JSON Modeling for RDBMS Users (video)
JSON modeling was covered in a previous blog post which was, in turn, based on a CSV import blog post that came before that. While writing the post on JSON modeling, it occurred to me that it might be useful...
JSON Data Modeling for RDBMS Users
JSON data modeling is a vital part of using a document database like Couchbase. Beyond understanding the basics of JSON, there are two key approaches to modeling relationships between data that will be covered in this blog post. The examples...
Model Your Relational Database Data as NoSQL Document Data
When I’m presenting at events, I often get questions around data modeling. It is common to interact with developers that work with relational databases, but are very interested in a NoSQL database. I, for example, started my database career with...
Moving from Oracle to Couchbase
Oracle was the first database I developed with, so I know that thinking about switching to something like NoSQL and leaving behind the relational model can seem like a scary thing. The thing is, it really wasn’t scary when I...