Tag: mongodb

The Unreasonable Effectiveness of SQL in NoSQL Databases
Business applications have requirements: take customer orders, deliver customer orders, track shipping, generate inventory report, end of the day/month/quarter business report, generate business dashboards and more. These requirements evolve slowly. They remain even when you choose a NoSQL database. On...

Approaches to Query Optimization in NoSQL
A man returned home after walking around the globe for eleven years. Next day, when he told his wife he’s going to the corner store, she asked him: “are you taking the short route or the long one?”. Queries can...

Search & Rescue: 7 Reasons N1QL Developers Use Search
People don’t want a four key index. They need a four-ms response. Ted Levitt Application development is demanding. Each application is trying to progress on behalf of the customer — searching for the right product or the right form, ordering,...

Searching JSON: compare text search in Couchbase and MongoDB.
“Apps without search is like Google homepage without the search bar.” It’s hard to design an app without a good search. These days, it’s also hard to find a database without a built-in search. MySQL to NoSQL, Sybase to Couchbase,...

YCSB-JSON: Implementation for Couchbase and MongoDB
YCSB is a great benchmarking tool built to be easily extended by any driver which supports and implements basic operations like: insert, read, update, delete and scan. Plain synthetic data introduced by YCSB fits this paradigm perfectly. But when it comes...

Using YCSB to Benchmark JSON Databases
Bruce Lindsay once said, “There are three things important in the database world: Performance, Performance, and Performance”. Most enterprise architects know, as we progress in database features and architectures, it’s important to measure performance in an open way so they can compare...

How to Join JSON: Couchbase N1QL vs. MongoDB Query
As NoSQL databases evolved, each added higher level APIs or languages to help programmers to complex things easily. SQL, having done that for relational data, showed the way. In SQL, developers say WHAT needs to be done and the database...

Simplify Your NoSQL Cluster by Moving From MongoDB Sharding to Couchbase Containers
When I’m out at events and talking to NoSQL users and advocates, I often hear stories on why people have decided to start using Couchbase after having come from MongoDB. Take, for example, an interview I did with Tom Coates...

Data Modeling NoSQL Documents in MongoDB vs Couchbase Server
When I’m out at events, I get a lot of questions regarding the differences between MongoDB and Couchbase Server as they are both in the NoSQL space and are both document databases. One particular question is related to data modeling....

TNDP Episode #16: The MEAN Stack for Application Development
I am pleased to announce that the latest episode of The NoSQL Database Podcast titled, The Mean Stack for Application Development, has been published to all the popular podcasting networks. In this episode I have special guest Jonathan Casarrubias from...

Migrate From MongoDB to Couchbase with N1QL
Customers often tell us they’re preparing to migrate from MongoDB to Couchbase. They come, in part, because they’re tired of the problems they’ve experienced learning how to query MongoDB. Couchbase with N1QL provides a better alternative, especially for scaling up...

Joining NoSQL Data: MongoDB Query Language vs Couchbase N1QL
One of the most frequent questions I receive when it comes to NoSQL is on the subject of joining data from multiple documents into a single query result. While this question is brought up more frequently from RDBMS developers, I...