Tag: mutation
Couchbase Eventing: Small Scripts That Solve Big Problems
Eventing Simple Yet Powerful: Eventing allows small scripts to overcome hard to solve problems. If you are familiar with both Couchbase and Eventing please feel free to skip the brief overview and skipĀ ahead to the examples. Overview: First off, let’s...
Jon Strabala, Principal Product Manager, Couchbase
May 28, 2020
Asynchronously Perform Subdocument Mutations in Couchbase with Golang
Not too long ago I had written about using the Couchbase Server subdocument API with the Go SDK. Doing subdocument operations is incredibly useful if you’d like to change or access a part of a potentially huge NoSQL document. Subdocument...
Nic Raboy, Developer Advocate, Couchbase
September 12, 2017