Tag: profile store

Como o NoSQL potencializa experiências personalizadas para clientes

Como o NoSQL potencializa experiências personalizadas para clientes

A personalização está rapidamente se tornando uma oportunidade e um desafio. É uma oportunidade de fazer o envolvimento certo – um anúncio, um cupom, uma recomendação e muito mais – com o visitante certo, no momento certo. Mas a capacidade...

How NoSQL Powers Personalized Experiences for Customers

How NoSQL Powers Personalized Experiences for Customers

Personalization is fast becoming an opportunity, and a challenge. It’s an opportunity to make the right engagement—an ad, a coupon, a recommendation, and more—with the right visitor at the right time. But the ability to ingest, process, and utilize the...

Developing a User Profile Store with Golang and a NoSQL Database

Developing a User Profile Store with Golang and a NoSQL Database

Remember the tutorial series I wrote in regards to creating a user profile store with Node.js and NoSQL? That tutorial covered a lot of ground, from creating a RESTful API with Node.js, handling user sessions, data modeling, and of course...

Bringing Your User Profile Store to Mobile with NativeScript and Angular

Bringing Your User Profile Store to Mobile with NativeScript and Angular

Continuing down the path of user profile stores, we had previously seen how to create one with Node.js and Couchbase NoSQL as well as a web client front-end for it using Angular. What if we wanted to take this into...

Use TypeScript, Angular as the Front-End for Your User Profile Store

Use TypeScript, Angular as the Front-End for Your User Profile Store

I recently wrote a tutorial titled, Creating a User Profile Store with Node.js and a NoSQL Database, as it is a very popular subject and use-case when it comes to NoSQL databases. In that tutorial, we created an API using Node.js...

Create a User Profile Store with Node.js and a NoSQL Database

Create a User Profile Store with Node.js and a NoSQL Database

There are many use-cases for NoSQL databases, one that I encounter frequently is creating a user profile store and session. This use-case lends itself to a NoSQL database. Profiles often need to be flexible and accept data changes. While possible...