Tag: python

Twitter Thread tl;dr With AI? Part 2
In part 1 we saw how to scrape Twitter, turn tweets in JSON documents, get an embedding representation of that tweet, store everything in Couchbase and how to run a vector search. These are the first steps of a Retrieval...

The Top 8 Best Languages for Backend Development
Computer programming is becoming an increasingly necessary and popular skill. Many high school and college graduates are exposed to programming even if they are not in a computer science field. This rise in exposure has led to new programmer archetypes...

Using Pydantic to Validate JSON Documents With Couchbase
Couchbase Capella is a fully managed JSON document Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) offering that eliminates database-management duties and reduces overall costs. Capella offers robust performance, flexibility and scalability in a modern cloud native, distributed database that fuses the strengths of relational database...

Build A Python Microservice With Couchbase – Part 3
Recap In the previous two installments of this series, we discussed the drivers behind creating microservices. We also looked at why Couchbase is the perfect datastore to use with such an architecture. We also looked at three variants of a...

Creating Python and JavaScript User Defined Functions For Geospatial Queries
SQL++ queries can access data stored in your Couchbase cluster in a variety of ways. There are situations where having the business logic as part of your data queries can also be beneficial. SQL++ supports this with User Defined Functions...

Build A Python Microservice With Couchbase – Part 2
In the first installment of this series, we discussed the drivers behind creating microservices, and why Couchbase is the perfect datastore to use with a microservice architecture. With their stateless nature, they can be deployed anywhere and horizontally scaled as...

Build A Python Microservice With Couchbase – Part 1
Microservices require a scalable and sustainable set of components. This post introduces how to build microservices using Python and Couchbase to provide a fully-scalable solution. Monolithic applications present many challenges. They were born in an age when everything ran on...

Validate JSON Documents in Python using Pydantic
One of the main attractions of document databases is the flexibility of the document structure or schema. For the most part, the flexibility in the document schema is beneficial. However, there might be some situations where having some structure to...

Capella Clusters as Code – Deploying Couchbase via API
With Couchbase Capella, our fully hosted DBaaS, you can provision an entire Couchbase cluster in minutes. Without having to know anything about deploying Couchbase, you can have all of the infrastructure provisioned, configured, secured, and finally ready to use all...

Querying Trades on the Stellar Blockchain using Couchbase & Python
In Part 1 of this series, Monitor Stellar Assets Using Couchbase & Python, we introduced the basic concepts of the Stellar Decentralized (Blockchain) Exchange and showed how to store a copy of an account asset list in Couchbase. In this...

Leveraging your ML models with Couchbase Analytics User Defined Functions (UDF)
With Couchbase 7.0 you’re now capable of allowing integration of Python UDFs with Couchbase Analytics. In Part 1 of this blog series, we covered the essentials for getting Couchbase and the Analytics for Machine Learning (ML) set up. ML has...

Monitor Stellar Assets using Couchbase & Python
This post describes how to build a basic client that records activity on the Stellar Decentralized Blockchain. Stellar hosts a growing list of new and different cryptocurrency alt-coins and tokens. With the code from this post you can create a...