Tag: Query Language

Recursive Query Processing in SQL++ (N1QL)

Recursive Query Processing in SQL++ (N1QL)

It is extremely likely that you have come across issues with hierarchical lookups or graph traversal in your application as a developer who handles real-world use cases. And, for obvious reasons, you prefer solving them at the database layer and...

A Comparison of 3 NoSQL Query Languages Across 7 Metrics

A Comparison of 3 NoSQL Query Languages Across 7 Metrics

Organizations who want to take advantage of the many benefits of NoSQL document databases, often find that they have two challenges: How to convert their RDBMS schemas to leverage the schema-less document model. Learn a new API/Query to access the...

Binh Le March 6, 2020
Introducing Full Text Search (FTS) in Couchbase Mobile 2.0

Introducing Full Text Search (FTS) in Couchbase Mobile 2.0

Couchbase Mobile 2.0, introduces powerful Full Text Search (FTS) capabilities on your JSON Documents. This is part of the new Query interface based on N1QL, Couchbase’s declarative query language that extends SQL for JSON. If you are familiar with SQL,...

Migrate From MongoDB to Couchbase with N1QL

Migrate From MongoDB to Couchbase with N1QL

Customers often tell us they’re preparing to migrate from MongoDB to Couchbase. They come, in part, because they’re tired of the problems they’ve experienced learning how to query MongoDB. Couchbase with N1QL provides a better alternative, especially for scaling up...

Joining NoSQL Data: MongoDB Query Language vs Couchbase N1QL

Joining NoSQL Data: MongoDB Query Language vs Couchbase N1QL

One of the most frequent questions I receive when it comes to NoSQL is on the subject of joining data from multiple documents into a single query result. While this question is brought up more frequently from RDBMS developers, I...

JOIN me in ushering in Developer Preview 3 of N1QL !

JOIN me in ushering in Developer Preview 3 of N1QL !

Let’s JOIN hands to welcome DP3! I am super excited to announce the immediate availability of Developer Preview 3 of the Query Language from Couchbase (N1QL). Its an amazing experience to be a part of this wonderful team that is...

N1QL – It Makes Cents!

N1QL – It Makes Cents!

*Ba Dum Tschhh*  …See what I did there? Makes cents? Get it? Haha. So… N1QL (pronounced Nickel)… Couchbase’s new next-generation query language; what is it?  Well, it’s a rather genius designed, human readable / writable, extensible language designed for ad-hoc...

The Couchbase Team December 16, 2014