Tag: query processing

Search & Rescue: 7 Reasons N1QL Developers Use Search
People don’t want a four key index. They need a four-ms response. Ted Levitt Application development is demanding. Each application is trying to progress on behalf of the customer — searching for the right product or the right form, ordering,...

Making most of your Arrays.. with Covering Array Indexes and more..
Hurrah!! We just released Couchbase Server 4.5 which brings a bag full of wonderful features and enhancements. My earlier post Making the most of your arrays… with Array Indexing introduced the Array Indexing functionality. This blog post includes covering array indexes,...

Making the most of your Arrays… with N1QL Array Indexing
Couchbase 4.5 is released!! Part2 is a continuation of this blog and it includes covering array indexes, support for more operators such as UNNEST, ALL, ANY AND EVERY etc., Do you have documents with embedded arrays and need an efficient means...