Tag: Reactive
Exploring RxJava – Wrapping a Listener Callback
In this post, I’ll show how to convert a callback-based listener style API to a reactive one with RxJava 2. Contents Introduction Objective Getting Started Creating a Source Listing: BasicSource.java Listing: UnboundSource.java Converting to an Observable Listing: Observables.java Instantiation and...
Hod Greeley, Developer Advocate, Couchbase
December 20, 2018
Using Couchbase Java SDK to write a Vert.x Verticle
In this post we’ll go reactive all the way! Some Couchbase customers use Vert.x, a framework for writing fully asynchronous applications, knowing that the Couchbase Java SDK fits well into this picture, being asynchronous from the ground up and exposing...
Simon Basle, Software Engineer, Pivotal
December 16, 2015