Tag: SDK
Guest post from CenterEdge Software: Couchbase and N1QL Security
Note: this is a guest post by Brant Burnett of CenterEdge Software, a company which developes POS and specialty software for the amusement park, leisure and entertainment industries. Overview N1QL is an incredibly powerful new tool which will help to...
Couchbase Go SDK Developer Preview!
I am happy to announce the first Developer Preview of our official Go SDK (gocb) today. While in the past, we have had the go-couchbase project which does provide access to many of Couchbase’s features, it was primarily intended...
The Couchbase .NET SDK 2.1.4 is now Available!
Today we are releasing version 2.1.4 of the Couchbase .NET SDK. This release focuses on bug fixes and other improvements; however, 2.2.0 which will be released early this fall will provide full support for Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) and N1QL...
Traveling with Couchbase using the Java SDK
At Couchbase Connect 2015 we demonstrated an example application that uses N1QL to query data from a sample Couchbase bucket. If you missed the conference, not a problem. We're going to go through how to reproduce this application and check...
Introducing Couchbase .NET SDK 2.1.0: The asynchronous Couchbase .NET Client!
At long last the Couchbase .NET SDK 2.1.0 GA is available! This release is a minor release for 2.1.0, but it includes support for the Task Asynchrony Pattern (async and await keywords) and non-blocking IO for all Key/Value operations. In...
Couchbase .NET SDK 2.0.3 and 1.3.11 now Available!
This month, we have a couple of maintenance releases before we release Couchbase .NET SDK 2.1.0! Version 2.1.0 will be a significant release for the SDK, especially since we will have support for the async/await keywords and a new non-blocking...
Couchbase JCache Implementation Developer Preview 2
On behalf of the SDK Engineering Team, I’m happy to introduce the second developer preview for the Couchbase JCache implementation. This new preview is still work in progress, a few features have been added and polished since last preview. As always,...
Preview using N1QL DP4 from the Java SDK
As some of you may know, the Query Team over at Couchbase have been working hard on a new and exciting feature, N1QL, which brings the power of query languages (like SQL) to Couchbase. They just release Developer Preview 4...
Preview N1QL DP4 Support for the Couchbase .NET SDK 2.0!
Yesterday, the query team here at Couchbase released the long-awaited N1QL Developer Preview 4! If you haven’t heard of N1QL, it’s an all new SQL-like query language that Couchbase is developing for querying non-relational data-stores like Couchbase. The goal is...
Couchbase .NET SDK 2.0.1 is now available!
Today we are releasing version 2.0.1 of the Couchbase .NET SDK 2.0. This is a follow up release from the GA release 2.0.0 in early December of last year and largely includes bug fixes and performance improvements building on the...
Couchbase JCache Implementation Developer Preview 1
On behalf of the SDK Engineering Team, I’m happy to announce that we’ve worked on an implementation of the JCache specification (JSR107) and so a developer preview is in order! The JCache specification allows developers to build their applications around...
Introducing Couchbase .NET SDK 2.0 Beta!
Some call it “bayduh”, others like my colleague Don Pinto here at Couchbase call it “bee-tah”; but whatever you call it were shipping it! After many months of development and three developer previews, we proudly present the Couchbase .NET SDK...