Tag: search

Couchbase Lands A Third Database Patent
It seems that with our third database patent, Couchbase is keeping the US Patent & Trademark Office very busy. We are thrilled to announce that Couchbase has been granted its third database patent in the last nine months. The Third...

N1QL Turns Five
As any parent of a five year old can attest, time flies when you’re having fun. Where did all the time go? That’s kind of how we feel with N1QL, the SQL for JSON query language. Today, thousands of developers,...

Text Analysis within a Full-Text Search Engine
Full-Text Search refers to techniques for searching text content within a document or a collection of documents that hold textual content. A Full-Text search engine examines all the textual content within documents as it tries to match a single search...

Over time, the database industry has realized full-text search and SQL are two sides of the same coin. Text search needs further query processing, query processing needs text search to efficiently filter for text patterns. The SQL databases have added...

Approaches to Query Optimization in NoSQL
A man returned home after walking around the globe for eleven years. Next day, when he told his wife he’s going to the corner store, she asked him: “are you taking the short route or the long one?”. Queries can...

Search & Rescue: 7 Reasons N1QL Developers Use Search
People don’t want a four key index. They need a four-ms response. Ted Levitt Application development is demanding. Each application is trying to progress on behalf of the customer — searching for the right product or the right form, ordering,...

Searching JSON: compare text search in Couchbase and MongoDB.
“Apps without search is like Google homepage without the search bar.” It’s hard to design an app without a good search. These days, it’s also hard to find a database without a built-in search. MySQL to NoSQL, Sybase to Couchbase,...

Create a Full Text Search Typeahead With Go, jQuery, NoSQL
About a week ago I write a tutorial for implementing a typeahead search with Node.js and jQuery. A typeahead is one of many great use-cases when using full text search (FTS), but it certainly isn’t the only use-case. As many...

Geospatial Search With ASP.NET Core, Aurelia, Google Maps
Geospatial search is now fully supported in Couchbase Server 5.5. Check out the Couchbase Server 5.5 announcement, and download the developer build for free right now. In this post, I’m going to demonstrate the geospatial capabilities of Couchbase Full Text...

Introducing Full Text Search (FTS) in Couchbase Mobile 2.0
Couchbase Mobile 2.0, introduces powerful Full Text Search (FTS) capabilities on your JSON Documents. This is part of the new Query interface based on N1QL, Couchbase’s declarative query language that extends SQL for JSON. If you are familiar with SQL,...

Using Facets in a Couchbase NoSQL Full Text Search Query
Being able to execute Full Text Search queries in Couchbase without the need for additional tooling such as Elastic is huge for NoSQL. About a year ago, I had written about using Full Text Search (FTS) in Couchbase Server with...

Faster Search, Sorting, Mapping by Keys: FTS Enhancements in Couchbase Server 4.6
Today we’re pleased to announce significant improvements in Full-Text Search (FTS) in Couchbase Server 4.6. This blog describes what’s new for search in 4.6: Performance Improvements Index Type Mapping By Key Custom Sorting Couchbase Server FTS runs seamlessly across your cluster...