Tag: Swagger

ASP.NET with Couchbase: Getting Started

ASP.NET with Couchbase: Getting Started

ASP.NET is the development platform that most Microsoft developers use. At the Couchbase Connect Silicon Valley 2017 conference, I spoke to some .NET developers in a workshop. I asked them what type of content they’d like to see me create...

Matthew Groves November 27, 2017
Managing REST APIs with Swagger (video)

Managing REST APIs with Swagger (video)

Couchbase incorporated Swagger into our documentation a few months ago. “Swagger” refers to an ecosystem of tools and other resources for managing REST APIs. Core to Swagger is the Swagger specification. (The group behind Swagger donated the spec to the...

Bluebird Promises and Swagger in Node.js

Bluebird Promises and Swagger in Node.js

Recently I wrote about using Node.js with Swagger to build a simple listener for the Sync Gateway changes feed. In that version I did everything using synchronous calls. I’m working to build a more complete solution, so I decided to...

Using Node.js and Swagger to Monitor Document Changes in Couchbase Mobile

Using Node.js and Swagger to Monitor Document Changes in Couchbase Mobile

When building applications with Couchbase Mobile there are a lot of interesting possibilities for server-side integration. Creating business logic to resolve synchronization conflicts is one common use. The Sync Gateway document “changes” feed makes all sorts of event-driven operations easy...