If you’ve been following along, a developer preview version of the library was released last month. It contained a whole bunch of improvements which you can read about here.
Updated API docs is at http://docs.couchbase.com/sdk-api/couchbase-c-client-2.4.0-beta/index.html
Download Page is at http://packages.couchbase.com/clients/c/index.html
We’ve made some more stability improvements to the library and fixed some minor issues along the way. Some of the more notable changes we’ve made between DP and Beta are:
- HTTP keepalive is now implemented for views. This means that if you issue multiple subsequent view requests, they will all reuse the same TCP connection, rather than creating and destroying a new one!.
- Additional documentation, particularly for the v3 API.
- The dsn field was renamed to connstr
- We’ve rewritten the input format of our manpages from asciidoc to ronn. ronn is a markdown-like syntax for writing manpages and produces very beautiful results. As an added bonus it integrates somewhat well with Doxygen’s markdown parser, allowing the manpages to also be visible in the Doxygen output
- RPM packages for EL7 (e.g. CentOS 7) are being built. This was in response to a request on our communities page. (If you’re an ubuntu version, we’ve been creating packages for Trusty/14.04 since the developer preview edition).