Couchbase will be formally withdrawing the Couchbase Service Broker, as a supported product, from 1st November 2023.
What is a Service Broker?
Service Brokers implement the Open Service Broker API, an open standard for interoperability between clients and service brokers within the Kubernetes ecosystem. Service brokers are an abstraction layer around a service that allow users to create instances of a service and bind applications to them.
Why are we withdrawing the Couchbase Service Broker?Â
Since the Service Broker was introduced, we have not seen the expected uptake of the Open Service Broker API, and in fact many related projects have also been withdrawn or End-of-Life’d, including support being removed from Red Hat’s Openshift Container Platform.
What does withdrawing mean?
In this case, we will be removing the Service Broker from our Downloads page and removing the associated container images from any repositories, archiving the documentation, and will no longer be accepting support requests at the end of the notice period.
What about the source code?
We will be archiving the GitHub repository (service-broker), marking it read-only. Any interested party is of course welcome to fork it if they wish to keep on using it subject to its licence terms, on the understanding there is no official support from Couchbase, and that the code is provided completely as is.
What if I have any additional questions?
- Enterprise Customers should contact us either via their Account Team or by opening a ticket in our Support Portal.
- Community Users can get in touch with us via our Discord or the Couchbase Forums.