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Resilient and scalable with consistent 500 millisecond response times from Couchbase

Leading utility company PG&E has more than 16 million customers and 20,000 employees. To work effectively over a huge geographic area, the company needs to provide PG&E gas and electric power inspectors in the field with real-time data, such as customer account information, utility infrastructure maps, and safety information. With Couchbase, the company can connect its teams with this data, whether theyโ€™re offline or online, while improving service and lowering the cost of field visits. Cross datacenter replication (XDCR) adds resiliency, ensuring workers can depend on the application to be available when they arrive at the job site.

About PG&E



16 million



square mile service area


    • Build a foundational service request management platform to streamline and improve support
    • Microservices approach to move data from field to ERP, data services, customer-facing apps, and back again
    • Single source of truth for field technicians
    • Improve mobile development productivity and agility


    • Quickly respond to service requests and easily coordinate field teams
    • Improved asset/risk management
    • Real-time, relevant info for improved safety/quality
    • Multi-channel customer support
    • Fast, easy mobile development
    • Automated business processes speed service, lower costs for field work
For us to set up a resilient implementation of Couchbase, it took us minutes. We stood up three servers, lit โ€˜em up, balanced the load, and instantly we were resilient.

Robert Lawrence Product Owner of Digital Catalysts Platforms, PG&E

Maccabai logo Use case

  • User profile store

Maccabai logo Key Features

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