I am using cbl 1.2.1 for ios from git hub
Couchbase Sync Gateway/1.2.0(79;9df63a5)"
CBS Version: 4.0.0-4051 Enterprise Edition (build-4051)
In iOS 9 when iOS CBL sdk hits server as http or https for changes (_changes?feed=websocket) some devices get response, but when i use a rest client (POST request) to hit the syncgateway i can see changes.
For same settings Android sdk 1.2.0 is syncing and running smoothly even behind reverse proxy as well as via normal http protocol. Issue with erratic sync or no sync at all is limited to iOS9 with cbl 1.2+.
everything was working fine when we were using 1.1 for ios sdk and sync gateway 1.1
The sync is erratic as sync starts and stops erratically. Works only 50 percent of the time. The old version still works but has other crash issue which makes it unusable.
1 Can we change feed=websocket to continuous or any other parameter in ios sdk.
2 Anything i can change in sync config to rectify this
Please help us out as this is a show stopper for us, any help will be appreciated.
Are the clients that fail from a random group, or might they only be the ones using HTTPS and WebSockets together.
Which reverse proxy are you using, is the primary purpose of the reverse proxy to terminate TLS (HTTPS) connections? We have some sample configs for nginx