I wonder a little about the intended usage of the Query method. I would assume that T is my own class the returned view data is deserialized into. But the Json returned on the respons stream encapsulates my view data in a property called “value”. For this to work I must use a “row” wrapper like:
public class ViewResultRow<T>
[DataMember(Name = "id")]
public string ID
[DataMember(Name = "key")]
public object Key
[DataMember(Name = "value")]
public T Value
and do my call like bucket.Query<ViewResultRow<MyClass>>("blah")
or I must change my class.
If this is by design I would prefer if we can change the IDataMapper to a custom implementation that can implement a custom JsonContractResolver.
Being at this point my next issue is that the DeserializationSettings from the ClientConfiguration class are ignored in JsonDataMapper.cs. I would like to suggest passing the ClientConfiguration to the JsonDataMapper class and change the Map(Stream stream) code to something like:
public T Map<T>(Stream stream)
T instance;
using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(stream))
instance = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(streamReader.ReadToEnd(), _clientConfig.DeserializationSettings);
//using (var jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(streamReader))
// instance = _serializer.Deserialize<T>(jsonReader);
return instance;
The required changes would be:
Cluster.cs -> CreateManager
return new ClusterManager(Configuration, _clusterController, new HttpClient(), new JsonDataMapper(Configuration), username, password);
Server.cs -> CTOR
public Server(IOStrategy ioStrategy, Node node, ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration, IBucketConfig bucketConfig) :
new ViewClient(new HttpClient(), new JsonDataMapper(clientConfiguration), bucketConfig, clientConfiguration),
new QueryClient(new HttpClient(), new JsonDataMapper(clientConfiguration)),
node, clientConfiguration)
CouchbaseBucket.cs -> CreateManager
return new BucketManager(Name, _configInfo.ClientConfig, _clusterManager, new HttpClient(), new JsonDataMapper(_configInfo.ClientConfig), username, password);
Maybe I got the whole idea wrong but currently this design looks incomplete to me. Someone who can enlighten me on this?