Sync gateway database goes under maintenance when one of the server is timed out in the couchbase cluster
Following is the log from couch base server
Node ‘ns_1@******1’ saw that node ‘ns_1@******2’ went down. Details: [{nodedown_reason,
net_tick_timeout}] ns_node_disco 005 ns_1@******1 3:57:08 PM Mon Sep 18, 2017
Node ‘ns_1@******1’ saw that node ‘ns_1@******3’ went down. Details: [{nodedown_reason,
net_tick_timeout}] ns_node_disco 005 ns_1@******1 3:57:08 PM Mon Sep 18, 2017
The sync gateway doesnt connect until a restart is done. I saw that for TAP it is fixed here Is it fixed for DCP too? Because I am using DCP in configuration of sync gateway.
I am using sync gateway 1.4.1 EE and Couchbase 4.6.2