I am using Couchbase Mobile V2.1.2 in iOS Swift Languages. I am showing progress like how much data pull from server to lcoal db. So when a user goes to background why data synching seems data is pausing and when i app enter foreground app resumes the synch. I used dispatch Queues also.
I enabled allowReplicatingInBackground to true, please correct me, if i did anything wrong in threading, i searched in Cocuchbase Mobile samples. i didn’t find any for addListener with Didspatch queues.
Here is the my code snippet.
func startReplicator(type: ReplicatorType) {
let url = URL(string: AppURLs.kCouchbaseURL)!
let target = URLEndpoint(url: url)
let config = ReplicatorConfiguration(database: database!, target: target)
config.replicatorType = type
config.allowReplicatingInBackground = true
Print.print("Store ID \(StoreDetails.shared.storeID ?? "No Store ID")")
if let storeid = StoreDetails.shared.storeID{
config.channels = [storeid]
config.continuous = true
config.authenticator = BasicAuthenticator(username: CBConstants.kUsername, password: CBConstants.kPassword)
self.replicator = Replicator(config: config)
//Database.setLogLevel(.error, domain: .replicator)
let concurrentQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "testQueue", qos: .background)
listener_token = self.replicator?.addChangeListener(withQueue: concurrentQueue, { [weak self] (change) in
guard let strongSelf = self else { return }
concurrentQueue.async {
Print.print("------------ QUEUE")
if let error = change.status.error as NSError? {
Print.print("--------- Error code :: \(error.code) and des \(error.debugDescription) and status is \(change.status.activity)")
let s = change.status
Print.print("------- PushPull Replicator: \(s.progress.completed)/\(s.progress.total), error: \(String(describing: s.error)), activity = \(s.activity) and replicator \(change.replicator.config.replicatorType)")