After rolling upgrade n1ql service is not available


I was upgrading couchbase server from 6.5 to 6.6. I have cluster with 3 servers. I upgraded couchbase with rolling online method. Node by node. After succesfully upgrade I notice in my application logs, that client does not recognize query server.
Application services use the latest CouchbaseNetClient version 3.0.4

Here is log from my log:

Couchbase error: type:Provider.Event.EventCore.Model.EventSyncItem message: Service n1ql not available., contextError:  stack:    at Couchbase.Core.ClusterContext.GetRandomNodeForService(ServiceType service, String bucketName)
   at Couchbase.Core.ServiceUriProvider.GetRandomQueryUri()
   at Couchbase.Query.QueryClient.ExecuteQuery[T](QueryOptions options, ITypeSerializer serializer, IInternalSpan span)
   at Couchbase.Query.QueryClient.QueryAsync[T](String statement, QueryOptions options)
   at Couchbase.Cluster.<>c__DisplayClass30_0`1.<<QueryAsync>g__Func|0>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at Couchbase.Core.Retry.RetryOrchestrator.RetryAsync[T](Func`1 send, IRequest request)
   at Couchbase.Cluster.QueryAsync[T](String statement, QueryOptions options)
   at Shared.CouchbaseClient.CouchbaseClient.QueryAsync[T](String statement, QueryOptions queryRequest) in /home/ubuntu/workspace/4O_Backend/src/Lib.Shared/CouchbaseClient/CouchbaseClient.cs:line 930 bucket name: EventSync

After restarting application services everything works normally.

@jmorris This sounds a lot like this issue in the 2.x SDK we’ve had for a long time, perhaps it lives on in 3.x? Loading....

It happens all the time to us in production, but I can never seem to reproduce it on a local machine to help fix it.

Hi @luka -

This should be fixed by this commit and ticket. It scheduled for release 3.0.5 which should be available on NuGet next week (release is scheduled for 9/1/2020).


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