I am using CouchbaseNetClient version 2.4.6 in my project. I am using Couchbase server 7.2.4. When I am trying to retrieve data from Couchbase, I am getting below error. Any idea what is the issue.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: Unknown status for opcode Get and key ***: UnknownError
at Couchbase.OperationResult.SetException()
at Couchbase.Core.Buckets.CouchbaseRequestExecuter.SendWithRetry[T](IOperation`1 operation)
at Couchbase.CouchbaseBucket.Get[T](String key)
That’s a very old SDK version - it’s possible that there are newer status (error) codes in the server that the SDK does not know about. If there is more information in the error message (such as the integer value of the status), I could look it up for you. The 2.7 dotnet SDK should be API compatible and it might work better.
Couchbase dotnet Client 2.4.6 was End-of-Life August 2019.
Software Lifecycle Schedules | Couchbase → Click on SDKs & Connectors, .Net, Older Versions. The 2.7 version was End-of-Life in March 2022. Later versions are not API compatible with 2.x
I am not seeing the error message(int value) in the log. I tried using 2.7.27 dotnet SDK version and it worked. Thank You!
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