Hi, I need some help with creating indexes.
I have a document that looks like below. In the tagMap field I have already created indexes on the individual arrays, the indexes work well but what I need is, instead of creating a separate index every time I want a new tagMap I would like just one index on tagMap. I can also use the tags field which has the tagMap info as an array.
"id": "id_c7811bcc1f22",
"appsUserIds": [
"tagMap": {
"hotelRoomPreferences": [
"key": "hotelRoomPreferences",
"value": "Extra Pillows Requested",
"lastChanged": 1474965818356,
"default": false
"bedConfiguration": [
"key": "bedConfiguration",
"value": "Twin",
"lastChanged": 1474970212777,
"default": false
"externalIds": {},
"version": 1474970207545524200,
"tags": [
"key": "hotelRoomPreferences",
"value": "Extra Pillows Requested",
"lastChanged": 1474965818356,
"default": false
"key": "bedConfiguration",
"value": "Twin",
"lastChanged": 1474970212777,
"default": false
"dataSync": {}
These are the individual indexes that I have created and they work well.
CREATE INDEX `tagMapBedConfig` ON write ((DISTINCT (ARRAY (x.`value`) FOR x IN tagMap.bedConfiguration END))) USING GSI;
CREATE INDEX `tagMapHotelRoomPref` ON write ((DISTINCT (ARRAY (x.`value`) FOR x IN tagMap.hotelRoomPreferences END))) USING GSI;
The call at the moment looks like this:
select * from write where any x in tagMap.hotelRoomPreferences satisfies x.`value` = 'Extra Pillows Requested' END ;
What I am looking for is something like this.
CREATE INDEX `tagMap` ON write ((DISTINCT (ARRAY (x.`value`) FOR x IN tagMap.x END)))