I just tried upgrading my projects to CBL 1.1.0 for iOS and OS X. The upgrade proceeded as expected for OS X, and the new framework upgraded the existing database, and all is well. Over on the iOS side, it fails as soon as it tries to open a database with the following error messages:
10:44:26.742| WARNING: Upgrade skipped: Database upgrading class is not present.
2015-06-26 10:44:26.742 pH Air[1126:66587] *** ASSERTION FAILED: CBLManager.storageType is 'SQLite' but no CBL_SQLiteStorage class found
2015-06-26 10:44:26.743 pH Air[1126:66587] *** Assertion failure in -[CBLDatabase(Internal) open:](), /Users/jenkins/jenkins/workspace/couchbase-lite-ios-builds/couchbase-lite-ios/Source/CBLDatabase+Internal.m:171
Details: iOS 8.3 simulator, Xcode 6.3.2, Framework couchbase-lite-ios-community_1.1.0-31
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
NSError* error = nil;
CBLManager* sharedManager = [CBLManager sharedInstance];
if ([sharedManager databaseExistsNamed: kSMMDatabaseName]) {
self.smmDatabase = [sharedManager existingDatabaseNamed: kSMMDatabaseName error: &error];
} ...
If there is an existing database, it fails at line 5.
Is this related to the new “pluggable” architecture? If so, where is the documentation for getting the plugs right?
Mark Tracy