I am using Couchbase Lite 1.1.0
According to this page, I have to set the cookie name, session id and expiry that returned from Create Session call.
In my create session call, I got the follows
Name: ui-auth-xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx%3A8091
Value: aeda6c5b57a9be2afd284daa202f9d62
Domain: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Path: /
Expires: (nothing, it was empty)
Http: true
Secure: (nothing, it was empty)
Response Body:ui-auth-
“session_id”: “2a18930da94d26e9d49bb83ab1c6a4541c3f68e2”,
“expires”: “2015-11-06T17:48:36.932951542+09:00”,
“cookie_name”: “SyncGatewaySession”
I tried to set the Pull with SetCookie as follows:
pull.SetCookie(“SyncGatewaySession”, “2a18930da94d26e9d49bb83ab1c6a4541c3f68e2”, “//”, DateTime.Parse(“2015-11-06T17:48:36.932951542+09:00”), false, true);
But I got fail on parsing the date time with C#.
I tried to insert a time close to the expiry time, but I still fail on doing the Pulling.
The Sync Gateway just keep on returning:
2015-11-06T17:49:10.027+09:00 HTTP: #300: --> 401 Login required (0.4 ms)
What am I missing here?