Server: Enterprise Edition 5.0.0 build 3519, configured with external authentication against Active Directory/LDAP
SDK Version: 2.5.2 from Nuget, verifed against build from master (commit b0b10869f83ccc379391bacf34f7d0d432fc4576)
We have setup Couchbase Enterprise using the Docker “couchbase:enterprise” image and configured security to use saslauthd to authenticate against our Active Directory domain with instructions from We are able to successfully login to the web console with External credentials.
Attempting to access couchbase using the .NET Client SDK and External credentials fails, but using Couchbase credentials, it works as expected. The external credentials are in the Admin role so security permissions shouldn’t be a factor.
Below is my sample C# script:
var config = new ClientConfiguration()
Servers = new List<Uri>() { new Uri("http://couchbase:8091") }
IAuthenticator authenticator = new PasswordAuthenticator("LDAPUser", "password");
var cluster = new Cluster(config);
var bucket = cluster.OpenBucket("beer-sample");
var response = bucket.Get<Beer>("21st_amendment_brewery_cafe");
This generates the following error:
“The node ipaddress:11210 that the key was mapped to is either down or unreachable. The SDK will continue to try to connect every 1000ms. Until it can connect every operation routed to it will fail with this exception.”
The log contains the following message:
“Couchbase.Authentication.SASL.ScramShaMechanism - Server Final Message ipaddress:11210 - cc23b4d1-056a-4cb1-9e73-c7b42260e908: Status code: AuthenticationError [32] (Context: , Ref #: 7fdc053a-75f9-4839-98b6-313ed28c84ba)”
Additionally, I’ve reproduced the same behavior, success for Couchbase user and failure for External user via the When_Valid_Credentials_Provided_Authenticate_Returns_True() integration test found in Couchbase.IntegrationTests.ScramShaMechanismTests. When I update the test case to my couchbase server and use our external test user, the test fails, but passes using a Couchbase user.
Finally, I’m able to successfully access documents with External Credentials and the same server using both the Node.js and Python SDK’s.