Backup certain type of document


Is there any way to backup certain type of documents from a large bucket
will cbexport utility have the capability to perform this kind of backup
We are using 6.6 EE


  1. cbexport can export json documents. In 7.0, cbexport can export at the granularity of bucket, scope, or collection –
    7.0 cbexport doc: cbexport json | Couchbase Docs

  2. cbbackupmgr in 6.6 can backup an entire bucket, but restore using --filter-keys or --filter-values –
    6.6 cbbackupmgr restore doc: cbbackupmgr restore | Couchbase Docs

  3. cbbackupmgr in 7.0 can backup and restore (from full backups also) at the granularity of bucket, scope, or collection. Can also use --filter-keys or --filter-values.
    7.0 cbbackupmgr config doc: cbbackupmgr config | Couchbase Docs
    7.0 cbbackupmgr backup doc: cbbackupmgr backup | Couchbase Docs
    7.0 cbbackupmgr restore doc: cbbackupmgr restore | Couchbase Docs

Hi @hyunjuV

Thanks for providing the options to backup