Backup service , import repository created on another cluster using backup service

i cannot import backup repository created by ‘backup service’ on a different cluster.
couchbase version: Version: Enterprise Edition 7.1.1 build 3175

I have copied all repo files locally to the only backup node of the cluster(debchscbbckp301) :
root@debchscbbckp301:/opt/couchbase/work/prod_fs_hourly/40285712-6970-44ab-b645-6e845ae63db0# ls -ltrh
total 40K
-rw-r–r-- 1 couchbase couchbase 316 Mar 22 13:19
-rw-r–r-- 1 couchbase couchbase 612 Mar 22 13:19 backup-meta.json
drwxr-xr-x 5 couchbase couchbase 4.0K Mar 22 16:35 2023-03-21T23_00_02.034726807+01_00
drwxr-xr-x 5 couchbase couchbase 4.0K Mar 22 16:35 2023-03-22T00_00_02.516157913+01_00
drwxr-xr-x 5 couchbase couchbase 4.0K Mar 22 16:35 2023-03-22T11_00_06.348086519+01_00
drwxr-xr-x 5 couchbase couchbase 4.0K Mar 22 16:35 2023-03-22T12_00_06.854334539+01_00
drwxr-xr-x 5 couchbase couchbase 4.0K Mar 22 16:35 2023-03-22T13_00_07.575967829+01_00
drwxr-xr-x 5 couchbase couchbase 4.0K Mar 22 16:36 2023-03-22T14_00_08.580914025+01_00
drwxr-xr-x 5 couchbase couchbase 4.0K Mar 22 16:36 2023-03-22T15_00_09.968575946+01_00
drwxr-xr-x 5 couchbase couchbase 4.0K Mar 22 16:36 2023-03-22T16_00_10.304315338+01_00

when I try to import the repository I receive error:
Could not import repository: Archive is not accessible by all backup nodes - node b5b42baa596f42f3eb86bf0352d34629 cannot access location /opt/couchbase/work/prod_fs_hourly: invalid location: directory not empty and not a backup archive


Error is telling not accessible by all backup nodes ( there’s only one backup node !)
location is accesible and owned by user couchbase.

Is not possible to import a repository generated in one cluster by backup service and restore it in a different one?

I get the same error if I forget to copy the hidden file .backup in the archive location – so, that would be the file /opt/couchbase/work/prod_fs_hourly/.backup

Repository Path: /Users/hv/copy_cb_backup_20220428_3/e5094caa-9d7c-4a9d-88e6-dc05ce0030d0
There is a /Users/hv/copy_cb_backup_20220428_3/.backup file – if I delete that file, I get the same error when I try to import:

Could not import repository: Archive is not accessible by all backup nodes - node 06cafafbf673d82756e9dcb53d39dbd1 cannot access location /Users/hv/copy_cb_backup_20220428_3: invalid location: directory not empty and not a backup archive

ok many thanks, that did the trick

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