I am using couchbase lite to store an object information. These objects have information like id, lat and long. And I also store a blob.
The problem is when I try to get it. When I save it it is not null de blobContent, it is a byte array and it is not empty the Content type I use is " application/octet-stream". But for some strange reason. When I get the blob, it comes the sha, length, etc but not the content.
Is there any reason for this to happen? Or that the Content-type is affecting?
Content-Type is purely informational and has no affect on the storage. I can’t think of a reason that Content should be null. Can you provide the code that you use to drive this situation?
Then I use this code to save the hole data and Blob object:
val uTemplate = data["uuidTemplate"] as String
val mutableDocument = MutableDocument("user::${uTemplate}", data)
try {
val database = databaseManager.templatesDatabase
mutableDocument.setBlob("template", template)
} catch (e: CouchbaseLiteException) {
Log.e(e.message, e.stackTraceToString())
Later, in another part of my app, I need to retrieve this information and Blob object. I retrieve all information related to that, except the blobContent:
val query = QueryBuilder
val templates = mutableListOf<Template>()
query.execute().use { rs ->
for(row in rs) {
val docID = row.getString(0) ?: return@let
val doc = database.getDocument(docID)
val template = doc?.getBlob("template")
val templateObject = row.getDictionary(1)?.toMap()?.toTemplate(template) ?: return@let
I’m not pretty sure where I made a mistake. I would be grateful for any guidance and/or correction.
I would like to add a ss where I could corroborate that the blob is being saved. This ss debug is after database?.save sentence.
I already solved. I thougth that it was enough by using getBlob function but I noticed that it’s necessary to use content getter function to make available the access to blobContent.