At [Grocery Sync for iOS (Swift 2 version)( ) on github, the instructions mention the Couchbase Sync Gateway , but the page that link points to is not a download page, and it only has a brief paragraph about the gateway.
Then, when I click the Download link on that page, and select the Couchbase Mobile tab, the Download link for Mac OS X doesn’t work.
@MLModel ,
Here are the links for SG 1.2.1.
LICENSE: Apache 2.0
LICENSE: Sync Gateway Enterprise Edition represents the most stable, production-ready release and is recommended for commercial production systems or any evaluation that may eventually lead to a commercial production deployment. To run Enterprise Edition in production requires a paid subscription.
June 6, 2016, 4:41pm
I just tried the link and had no trouble downloading the community edition, with Safari on OS X 10.11.5. What didn’t work for you?
Well, it worked today. Yesterday I kept clicking the button and reloading the page and nothing happened.