I’m seeing a weird behavior with the document bucket’s .Get call and I wanted to know if this is by design.
If I create a document using bucket.Insert() and then try to get it using bucket.Get() the interface type is []byte ([]uint8) but if I edit the document via the UI and try to get the document again the interface type changes to map[string]interface{}
is this the expected behavior?
Attaching some code to test:
package main
import (
func main() {
var (
cbCluster *gocb.Cluster
cbBucket *gocb.Bucket
data []byte
doc interface{}
err error
cbCluster, err = gocb.Connect("couchbase://")
if err != nil {
Username: "Administrator",
Password: "f00b4r",
cbBucket, err = cbCluster.OpenBucket("configuration", "")
if err != nil {
data = []byte(`{"name": "Foo", "age": 24, "email": "foo@bar.baz"}`)
_, err = cbBucket.Insert("userid:1", data, 0)
if err != nil {
_, err = cbBucket.Get("userid:1", &doc)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Doc: %s - type: %s\n", spew.Sdump(doc), reflect.TypeOf(doc))
// Wait enough time for someone to open the document and edit it via the UI
time.Sleep(20 * time.Second)
_, err = cbBucket.Get("userid:1", &doc)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Doc: %s - type: %s\n", spew.Sdump(doc), reflect.TypeOf(doc))
go run main.go
Doc: ([]uint8) (len=50 cap=50) {
00000000 7b 22 6e 61 6d 65 22 3a 20 22 46 6f 6f 22 2c 20 |{"name": "Foo", |
00000010 22 61 67 65 22 3a 20 32 34 2c 20 22 65 6d 61 69 |"age": 24, "emai|
00000020 6c 22 3a 20 22 66 6f 6f 40 62 61 72 2e 62 61 7a |l": "foo@bar.baz|
00000030 22 7d |"}|
- type: []uint8
Doc: (map[string]interface {}) (len=3) {
(string) (len=4) "name": (string) (len=3) "Foo",
(string) (len=3) "age": (float64) 20,
(string) (len=5) "email": (string) (len=11) "foo@bar.baz"
- type: map[string]interface {}