Bucket.get() throws null pointer exception

Hi. I am searching for a document in Couchbase using the document’s id. I am able to retrieve it when the document actually exists. If I give an ID which is not in the database, .get function returns NullPointerException, but I want a new document to be created with that ID when that happens. Is this possible?

Get returns null when the id cannot be found (you are probably calling
content() without checking for a null I guess). So you could check if null
and in that case revert to an insert. Note that if in the meantime the
document has been concurrently created, insert will fail with a


This is my code to find a document.

public Customer findCustomerDocId(String docId) throws NullPointerException{
    Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create();
    JsonDocument fDoc = theBucket.get(docId);
    Customer cust = gson.fromJson(fDoc.content().toString(), Customer.class);
    return cust;

I understand that when the document is not found, NullPointerException is thrown. Now when this happens, I immediately want to create a new document with the specified docId. I don’t have control over the .get() function right? How can I handle this? I also have a feeling that you understood what I actually want, but I didn’t completely understand you answer.

the NullPointerException happens because when you build your Customer you call fDoc.content() but fDoc is null.
What you can do is:

public Customer findCustomerDocId(String docId) throws NullPointerException{
    Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create();
    JsonDocument fDoc = theBucket.get(docId);
    if (fDoc == null) {
        //create the content. JSON String?
        String newContent;
       //create the doc and store
       RawJsonDocument newDoc = RawJsonDocument.create(docId, newContent);
       //you should have also a Customer object at this point, to return
       return ???;
    } else {
        Customer cust = gson.fromJson(fDoc.content().toString(), Customer.class);
        return cust;