Here are what my documents look like:
| parent1: {type: "parent", email: "", childPk: "child::123"} |
| "child::123": {type: "child", name: "sampleChild1"} |
|grandchild1: {type: "grandchild", someKey1: "someValue1", parentPk: "child::123"} | grandchild2: {type: "grandchild", someKey2: "someValue2", parentPk: "child::123"}|
| parent2: {type: "parent", email: "", childPk: "child::456"} |
| "child::456": {type: "child", name: "sampleChild2"} |
|grandchild1: {type: "grandchild", someKey: "someValue1", parentPk: "child::456"} | grandchild2: {type: "grandchild", someKey: "someValue2"parentPk: "child::456"}|
I want my result to look like this:
email: "",
name: "sampleChild1",
children: [
email: "",
name: "sampleChild2",
children: [
Here’s my query so far:
FROM app p
JOIN app g ON p.childPk = g.parentPk
AND g.type = 'grandchild' LEFT
JOIN app c ON META(c).id = p.childPk
WHERE p.type ='parent'
which results in
email: "",
name: "sampleChild1",
someKey: "someValue1"
email: "",
name: "sampleChild1",
someKey: "someValue2"
email: "",
name: "sampleChild2",
someKey: "someValue1"
email: "",
name: "sampleChild2",
someKey: "someValue2"
When I try adding a subquery such as LET children = (SELECT g.someKey FROM app g WHERE g.type = "grandchild" AND g.childPk = p.childPk)
I get this error: “Unable to run subquery - cause: FROM in correlated subquery must have USE KEYS clause: FROM app.”
How can I keep the grandchildren values inside the child object?