I would like to know if it is required to delete from Sync Gateway Vs directly in Couchbase. I am already sure the Couchbase Lite will not interact with the Sync Gateway, but just wondering if Sync Gateway stores some data that needs to be cleaned up?
Thank you.
Depends on which version of SGW you are using and I am assuming that you want deletes to be synced over to the Couchbase Lite clients. Very briefly, if you are using shared bucket access with SGW >= v1.5, then deletes to documents made directly to Couchbase Server will also be processed by the SGW and synced over to the Couchbase Lite clients. If you do not have shared bucket access enabled, then you would have to delete documents via SGW in order for it to be processed by the SGW and synchronized over to the Couchbase Lite clients.
Thank you Priya for your reply.
So, let’s say I deleted from Sync Gateway, then something happens and some data is not deleted in Couchbase, I should still go back to Sync Gateway to remove what was left instead of directly clean up in Couchbase, correct?
Yeah …that’s probably the cleanest although you can directly delete on Couchbase server if you are using shared bucket access and it would have the same effect …
Thanks Pryia! I think we do not have yet the shared bucket access! so I will go from Sync Gateway. Thank you!