I have a php app I have been testing against our test server with no issues. I have been connecting to the server as follows:
$cluster = new CouchbaseCluster($couchbaseCluster);
$cluster->authenticateAs($couchbaseUser, $couchbasePassword);
try {
$bucket = $cluster->openBucket($bucketName);
catch(Exception $e) {
errorLogging("Unable to connect to couchbase: " . $couchbaseCluster);
Our test environment has a single server.
After opening the bucket I am able to query as follows:
$sqlQuery = “SELECT *
FROM object USE KEYS ‘doc:c31c059c-b173-40d4-bf6a-89bdc5327c5a’”;
$query = CouchbaseN1qlQuery::fromString($sqlQuery);
$result = $bucket->query($query);
which works in all my cases.
My prod environment is a cluster with 3 servers. Both the test and prod are using the same couchbase server - Enterprise 5.1.1
When I try to use my production server I am able to open the bucket, but when I try to run a query I get the following connection errors:
[cb,WARN] (server L:502 I:222435566) NOHOST:NOPORT (CTX=0x0,SRV=0x7ffd8a0a0ab0,IX=0) Failing command (pkt=0x7ffd8b002a00, opaque=0, opcode=0xb5) with error LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17)
[cb,EROR] (connection L:156 I:222435566) <> (SOCK=00000000585df311) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17), os errno=0
[cb,EROR] (cccp L:165 I:222435566) NOHOST:NOPORT (CTX=0x0,) Could not get configuration: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17)
[cb,EROR] (connection L:156 I:222435566) <> (SOCK=0000000000010e6a) Failed to establish connection: LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17), os errno=0
[cb,EROR] (server L:628 I:222435566) NOHOST:NOPORT (CTX=0x0,SRV=0x7ffd8a0a1c40,IX=1) Connection attempt failed. Received LCB_ETIMEDOUT (0x17) from libcouchbase, received 0 from operating system
I am able to make the queries in the CB console.