Hello guys. I’m suddenly get to the trap with such kind of doc structure: { "0": "12233", "1": [ "d29e03687fb7bf79dc6035451e074c71e78c3404"] }
Simple I can’t get() it. I’m using couchbase@2.1.3 and result is: err=null, value=empty obj.
When I change decimal doc keys to text keys - doc resolved normally. I can’t change original doc structure, so i need to figure out how to resolve this kind of doc. Any ideas?
Can you tell me how you inserted the document, and whether what you pasted above is the exact document as stored in Couchbase? I have inserted a document with the exact contents as pasted above and
During writing this example suddenly I’ve figured out that value is not shown in WebStrom debugger but actually is assigned to query result. It was completelly not obvious issue ( Sorry 8)
'use strict'
var couchbase = require('couchbase')
var cluster = new couchbase.Cluster('couchbase://')
var bucket = cluster.openBucket('default')
const payload = '{"0":"12233","1":[["d29e03687fb7bf79dc6035451e074c71e78c3404",0,2,"3213232","2015-09-28 09:34:37"]],"5":["2,5,i,2,5,u,2,5,b"]}'
const payloadJson = JSON.parse(payload)
bucket.upsert('dec-keys-test', payloadJson, (err, res) => {
bucket.get('dec-keys-test', (err, res) => {
if (err) throw err