i’m trying to initiate an OpenID Connect implicit flow, as described in documentation for OpenID.
So far, I’m able to get my token from provider, but I’m failing to create a session.
What I do is submitting my token through curl using this request :
curl -vX POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: Bearer MY_EXTRA_LONG_TOKEN' -d '{"name":"mylogin" }' 'http://localhost:4984/fx-example/_session'
But Couchbase Sync Gateway simply replies me with
{"error":"Unauthorized","reason":"Invalid login"}
Notice that my config.json file contains a clear oidc definition for my application :
"databases": {
"fx-example": {
"server": "walrus:/opt/couchbase-sync-gateway/data",
"bucket": "default",
"oidc": {
"providers": {
"Auth0": {
"issuer": "https://!myapplication.eu.auth0.com/",
"client_id": "MY_CLIENT_ID",
"validation_key": "MY_CLIENT_SECRETT",
"register": true,
"user_prefix": "auth0|"
I’ve activated the OIDC Logs, and have the following sequence of events :
2017-05-26T07:10:36.110Z OIDC+: AuthenticateJWT called with token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2hvbWVib29rLmV1LmF1dGgwLmNvbS8iLCJzdWIiOiJhdXRoMHw1OTFlZmZmZDY2MGI4NzcxMTYxZTYwNDAiLCJhdWQiOiJ1OEM2QjVPV05LVUx2bmt1OTFCWXlLRXd5QmdSTlZLSCIsImV4cCI6MTQ5NTY0ODAxOCwiaWF0IjoxNDk1NjEyMDE4fQ.sPG7AS36k548iMP5063SEnz2tZ3FSUmOmdG41tfBlj8
2017-05-26T07:10:36.111Z OIDC+: JWT issuer: https://!myapplication.eu.auth0.com/, audiences: [MY_CLIENT_ID]
2017-05-26T07:10:36.111Z OIDC+: Call GetProviderForIssuer w/ providers: map[Auth0:0xc4201020c0]
2017-05-26T07:10:36.111Z OIDC+: GetProviderForIssuer with issuer: https://!myapplication.eu.auth0.com/, audiences: [MY_CLIENT_ID]
2017-05-26T07:10:36.111Z OIDC+: Provider matches, returning
2017-05-26T07:10:36.111Z OIDC+: Provider for issuer: &{JWTOptions:{ValidationKey:<nil> SigningMethod:<nil>} Issuer:https://!myapplication.eu.auth0.com/ Register:true ClientID:0xc420015a80 ValidationKey:0xc420015a90 CallbackURL:0xc420f59bd0 DisableSession:false Scope:[] IncludeAccessToken:false UserPrefix:auth0| DiscoveryURI: DisableConfigValidation:false OIDCClient:0xc42005ba00 OIDCClientOnce:{m:{state:0 sema:0} done:1} IsDefault:true Name:Auth0}2017-05-26T07:10:36.190Z OIDC+: Client &{0x1235720 0xc4201a8dc0 {MY_CLIENT_ID MY_CLIENT_SECRETT} http://localhost:4984/fx-example/_oidc_callback [openid email] {[{{NjgwNEJEODZEMEFEOTU3NzFGMDgyQTI4Q0FFREVFMUI4NzAxOUU1MQ RSA RS256 sig 65537 0xc42056b1a0 []}}] map[NjgwNEJEODZEMEFEOTU3NzFGMDgyQTI4Q0FFREVFMUI4NzAxOUU1MQ:0xc420f399d0] {63631465836 190146400 0x10cdc20}} <nil> {{0 0} 0 0 0 0} {63631379436 190150500 0x10cdc20}} could not verify JWT. Error: oidc: unable to verify JWT signature: no matching keys
2017-05-26T07:10:36.190Z HTTP: #030: POST /fx-example/_session
2017-05-26T07:10:36.190Z HTTP: #030: --> 401 Invalid login (79.4 ms)
So far, I’ve been able to associate that code with the auth.go file in sync-gateway source.
So I understand a go-oidc client is created, and that go-oidc client tries to validate the JWT. But it fails, since it doesn’t have the required keys. But, as far as I understand, the client is created wwitouth keys. So how could it validate my JWT without keys (that are never provided).
Am I forgetting something somewhere ? Is there any element I defined incorrectly ? it seems so, but I can’t find what and where …