I installed the latest current PHP SDK version and no matter what script I use to connect to my cluster on localhost I can’t connect…I’m including the php error log and my php ini
#0 {main}
thrown in /usr/share/nginx/couchbasesdk/create_document.php on line 4
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,DEBG] (pcbc/cluster L:46) Initialize Cluster. C=0x7f34f9e61000 connstr="couchbase://localhost"
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,DEBG] (pcbc/pool L:159) Rewrite connection string from "couchbase://localhost" to "couchbase://localhost/pets_app"
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,INFO] (pcbc/pool L:53) New lcb_t instance has been initialized. I=0x14d5fa0
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,INFO] (pcbc/pool L:56) Using authenticator. md5="3943d37ab2c01c821573a8d1661ada30". I=0x14d5fa0
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,DEBG] (confmon L:83 I:1) Preparing providers (this may be called multiple times)
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,DEBG] (confmon L:90 I:1) Provider CCCP is ENABLED
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,DEBG] (confmon L:90 I:1) Provider HTTP is ENABLED
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,INFO] (cccp L:144 I:1) Requesting connection to node localhost:11210 for CCCP configuration
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,DEBG] (lcbio_mgr L:416 I:1) <localhost:11210> (HE=0x14d86b0) Creating new connection because none are available in the pool
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,INFO] (connection L:458 I:1) <localhost:11210> (SOCK=0x14d8bd0) Starting. Timeout=2000000us
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,DEBG] (connection L:223 I:1) <localhost:11210> (SOCK=0x14d8bd0) Created new socket with FD=7
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,DEBG] (connection L:223 I:1) <localhost:11210> (SOCK=0x14d8bd0) Created new socket with FD=7
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,WARN] (lcbio L:103 I:1) FIXME: Unknown iops/os error code 13. Using NETWORK_ERROR
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,INFO] (lcbio L:112 I:1) Translating errno=13, lcb=0x10 to NETWORK_ERROR
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,EROR] (connection L:141 I:1) <localhost:11210> (SOCK=0x14d8bd0) Failed to establish connection: LCB_NETWORK_ERROR (0x10), os errno=13
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,DEBG] (lcbio_mgr L:271 I:1) <localhost:11210> (HE=0x14d86b0) Received result for I=0x14d49f0,C=(nil); E=0x10
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,EROR] (cccp L:160 I:1) <NOHOST:NOPORT> Could not get configuration: LCB_NETWORK_ERROR (0x10)
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,INFO] (confmon L:177 I:1) Provider 'CCCP' failed
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,DEBG] (confmon L:211 I:1) Will try next provider in 0us
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,INFO] (connection L:458 I:1) <localhost:8091> (SOCK=0x14d7940) Starting. Timeout=2000000us
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,DEBG] (connection L:223 I:1) <localhost:8091> (SOCK=0x14d7940) Created new socket with FD=7
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,DEBG] (connection L:223 I:1) <localhost:8091> (SOCK=0x14d7940) Created new socket with FD=7
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,WARN] (lcbio L:103 I:1) FIXME: Unknown iops/os error code 13. Using NETWORK_ERROR
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,INFO] (lcbio L:112 I:1) Translating errno=13, lcb=0x10 to NETWORK_ERROR
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,EROR] (connection L:141 I:1) <localhost:8091> (SOCK=0x14d7940) Failed to establish connection: LCB_NETWORK_ERROR (0x10), os errno=13
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,EROR] (htconfig L:295 I:1) Connection to REST API failed with LCB_NETWORK_ERROR (0x10) (os errno = 13)
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,INFO] (confmon L:177 I:1) Provider 'HTTP' failed
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,EROR] (bootstrap L:129 I:1) Failed to bootstrap client=0x14d5fa0. Error=LCB_NETWORK_ERROR (0x10), Message=No more bootstrap providers remain
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] [cb,EROR] (pcbc/pool L:92) Failed to bootstrap LCB connection: LCB_NETWORK_ERROR: Generic network failure. Enable detailed error codes (via LCB_CNTL_DETAILE$
[29-Mar-2017 15:39:18 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Couchbase\Exception: LCB_NETWORK_ERROR: Generic network failure. Enable detailed error codes (via LCB_CNTL_DETAILED_ERRCODES, or $
Stack trace:
#0 /usr/share/nginx/couchbasesdk/Authenticator.php(9): Couchbase\Cluster->openBucket('pets_app')
#1 {main}
thrown in /usr/share/nginx/couchbasesdk/Authenticator.php on line 9
couchbase support enabled
extension version 2.3.0
libcouchbase runtime version 2.7.3 (git: 095afbb1a83bfef8def6d50bf50ee494b6c3c67f)
libcouchbase headers version 2.7.3 (git: 095afbb1a83bfef8def6d50bf50ee494b6c3c67f)
igbinary transcoder enabled
zlib compressor enabled
Authenticator.php code
$authenticator = new \Couchbase\ClassicAuthenticator();
$authenticator->cluster('Administrator', 'node_password');
$authenticator->bucket('bucket_name', 'bucket_password');
$cluster = new \Couchbase\Cluster("couchbase://localhost");
$cluster->openBucket('bucket_name'); // successfully opens connection
$cluster->manager()->createBucket('hello'); // automatically use admin credentials