Catalog cbbackupmgr backups that are existing on a different repo or backup server


Catalog backups that are existing on a different repo or different backup server

Consider the following backup configuration using cbbackupmgr is in place

backup conf

dedicated backup host with same couchbase version
backup retention 7 days
threads allocated for backup - 4
backup kept locally in the backup host

cluster configuration

6 data nodes
4 index/query nodes

Assume we have to migrate backup host to another

Scenario 1

will the following options will work if the directory structure is same on new backup host

  • configure same version of couchbase on new host
  • create new directories to keep backup with same name as earlier
  • create the backup repo with same name as earlier
  • copy back the backup files from old server to new server
  • test and validate backup execution

Scenario 2

Will the following options will work if the directory structure is different on new backup host

  • configure same version of couchbase on new host
  • create new directories to keep backup
  • create the backup repo with same name as earlier
  • copy back the backup files from old server to new server
  • test and validate backup execution

Is there any catalog commands to catalog old backup to a repo even if we use different repo name as well


Hello @haf ,

I’m not too sure if I understand the question here:

  • Are you trying to move a repo to a new machine?
  • Are you trying to move a backup from one repo to another?

Is there any catalog commands to catalog old backup to a repo even if we use different repo name as well

I don’t understand catalog in this context, can you explain further please.

Hi @pvarley

Yes your understanding is right
am looking for two scenarios

  • move a repo to a new machine?
  • move a backup from one repo to another?

catalog command i mean here is to register the existing backups to new repo in new server

basically catalog command is an oracle command that will verify the backup files and register it to backup repository of the database


Hello @haf ,

I would recommend moving the whole archive where possible instead of the individual repos. It is possible to move the repos, but more cares needs to be taken. These steps are not supported and have not be tested but they should work.

  • move a repo to a new machine?
  1. Tar or zip up the repo, ensuring hidden files are included.
  2. On the new machine create an repo with the same name, using a version of Couchbase that is equal or greater than the original
  3. unzip the repo over the one just created
  4. Verify that it’s good by running cbbackupmgr list or cbbackupmgr info
  • move a backup from one repo to another?

I would be very careful about moving a backup from one repo to another. It’s best to think of backups as a timeline especially with incremental backups, so copying backups can corrupt the timeline .I would only do this if the two repos were mirror copies. The steps are pretty simple tar or zip the backup folder in the repo, then untar/unzip it into the new repo.

basically catalog command is an oracle command that will verify the backup files and register it to backup repository of the database

We have been think of having official commands for moving backups between repos. I be interested to know what your use case is, and how often you plan to do this.