Hi all,
I keep getting error Attention: Prepare join failed. Authentication failed. Verify username and password.
when trying to join to a node from a new node.
I forwarded all these ports : 8091-8096, 4369, 9100-9122, 9999, 18091-18096, 11207-11211, 21100-21299
And I can assure you the user/password combination is correct.
I’m using latest docker image from docker hub couchbase/server:latest
Do you have the docker images in a swarm such that the hostnames/ports are consistent between the nodes? During cluster joining, one node reaches out to the other, gets some information, and re-contacts it based on the hostname returned.
The other thought, but rare, is we did once see an ‘unusual’ password that didn’t encode correctly. It had some special characters in it.
Hey, i got the same problem. Because of security reasons i cant use --net=host. I already tried using alternate addresses but no luck either.
I have 2 different hardware devices with Couchbase Containers running on it. Both devices are connected to each other on the same network.
I set up the cluster on Device A and am trying to join with Device B. I get the following error: “Failed to connect to ehostunreach”.
The IP-Address is the internal Docker-IP from Device B. I mapped all the necessary ports but it wont join the Cluster. Does anyone have any ideas?
Maybe create a new post as the other one is six years old and doesn’t use the same version of the SDK and “ehostunreach” is different that “Authentication Failed”.