Running 6.5 CE (ubuntu 18)
cbbackup throws this error:
"OverflowError: int too big to convert" by rev_seqno.to_bytes(4, 'big') at line 413 in File "/opt/couchbase/lib/python/".
It is failing for all documents that have a large meta.rev number.
Here is the meta of one of the document for which cbbackup is failing:
"meta": {
"id": "<snip>",
"rev": "211362657848-159245ef377b00000000000002000000",
"expiration": 0,
"flags": 33554432,
"type": "json"
"xattrs": {}
The same backup works fine in version 4 database. I am upgrading to 6.5 CE and backup stopped working due to the above error. For the time being I am using a v4 instance to take the remote backup of a v6.5 instance.
Why is the meta.rev value so high? It is not a heavily used database with just a single node and few thousands of documents. How do I make cbbackup work?