Cbbackupmgr restore fails within Error restoring cluster: cloud prefix provided for an unsupported cloud provider

I am unable to restore the backup using cbbackupmgr restore from GCP bucket. It fails within Error restoring cluster: cloud prefix provided for an unsupported cloud provider

I tried with the docker.io/couchbase/server:enterprise-7.2.2 and docker.io/couchbase/server:enterprise-6.6.6

See :

# cbbackupmgr restore --cluster http://couchbase-srv:8091 --username admin --password ADMIN --archive gs://my-couchbase/archive --repo couchbase-2024-05-28T06_41_38 --log-to-stdout --obj-staging-dir /data/staging --s3-force-path-style --obj-endpoint storage.googleapis.com --threads 1
Error restoring cluster: cloud prefix provided for an unsupported cloud provider

What is missing?

I’m guessing it doesn’t like gs:// What documentation are you following?

Hi mreiche,

Thank you for looking at this one.

I have been trying to use the Operator feature to do the backup and restore. (Configure Automated Backup and Restore | Couchbase Docs)
I faced a lot of issues which are tracked in : Issues · couchbase-partners/helm-charts · GitHub

I could workaround the issues to create the backup in the GCP bucket
The Operator create jobs that uses the cbbackupmgr

I am looking in the logs and args from those jobs to create the restore. The only tool doc about the cloud backup is cbbackupmgr cloud | Couchbase Docs and does not provide examples for GCP buckets but says that is supported.

You need 7.1 or later cbbackupmgr.

% cbbackupmgr --version

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