Cbbackupmgr restore issue from 7.2 to 7.6 with JSON unmarshall error

We are trying to restore data from 7.2 Couchbase server cluster to 7.6. We are getting the following error. Is there anything wrong with the restore command.

cbbackupmgr restore -a /opt/data/Couchbase/backup/DEV/FULL/20250122140039 -r APPL_DEV -c couchbase://el16189.int.corp:8091 -u bkp_admin -p bkp_admin --disable-views --disable-gsi-indexes --disable-ft-indexes --disable-ft-alias --disable-analytics --disable-eventing --force-updates --map-data Operations=APPL_DEV_Operations,APPL_DEV=APPL_DEV_NEW --include-data Operations.Log,Operations.Support,APPL_DEV.Core

Error Message: Error restoring cluster: json: cannot unmarshal number -1 into Go struct field .scopes of type uint32

Can you open a ticket with customer support?
This might be a compatibility issue with how the backup was created and how it is being restored. Tell support to look at CBSE-18435 and also direct them to this forum post.

Hi @ramesh01021988. I suspect you are using cbbackupmgr 7.2 to do the restore. cbbackupmgr is not forwards compatible. You need to use cbbackupmgr 7.6 to restore to 7.6

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