Hello all,
I am trying to backup/copy a bucket using Couchbase Version: 4.0.0-4051 on Mac OSX. I am using the following commands:
cd /Applications/Couchbase\ Server.app/Contents/Resources/couchbase-core/bin
./cbbackupwrapper http://localhost:8091 ./mybackup -b mydb -u Administrator -p password
./cbrestorewrapper ./mybackup http://localhost:8091 -b mydb -B mydbcopy -u Administrator -p password
These function appear to work correctly. Both backup and restore take a few seconds then return the message “SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED!”.
“mydb” contains 891 docs. However, after restore, “mydbcopy” still shows 0 docs.
Looking at ./mybackup/logs, both files look like the commands worked as they should, so I don’t know why it’s not creating any documents. I can attach the logs if required.
Can anyone shed any light on this or what I can do to get backup and restore to work?
Also, if I specify a couple of older buckets (that I know exist because I can see them in the Couchbase web GUI), I get an error saying “the requested bucket does not exist”, which is also very strange.
It looks like it’s using a different instance of couchbase or something. However, I only have one running and I know it’s using that one because I changed the Administrator password, and the new password was required on both the web GUI and in the commands.