Cbimport error logging


I am running a cbimport task in CB Server Enterprise to upload a huge json file. It is being run using below command:

sudo ./cbimport json --format lines -c http://localhost:8091 -u Administrator -p pass -d file:///tmp/file.json -b bucket1 --scope-collection-exp scope2.col1 -g %the_key% -t 4 -e /tmp/errors.log

It completes ok, and the final output is:
JSON import failed: 111111111111111 documents were imported, 2 documents failed to be imported
JSON import failed: Some errors occurred while transferring data, see logs for more details

But the error log I had specified in the command run is empty l.
Where could I find out information about what 2 documents had failed and info about why they had actually failed?

Thanks in advance,

Hi @isa_pr, I’ve tried this with the latest cbimport and it works for me; which version are you using? Please could you run the command again with --verbose -l /tmp/import.log and attach /tmp/import.log please?

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