Sync seems to work using the Emulator with Android Studio. However, when I deploy the app to the Android PIE hardware device, I seem to be getting a failure to connect. It would appear that the handheld is “Unauthorized”.
I’ve played with the proxy settings on the handheld, and it if I mis-type the proxy it shows an unknown host type of error. So the proxy server seems to be recognizable. So, for what ever reason, my android app uses a sync that is failing to be authorized to do a sync.
It reminds me somewhat of the sort of behavior I started to see when using Android PIE to access an un-secured server. In that example, I had to change the default for the app to allow such a thing to go forward (namely set android:usesCleartextTraffic to “true” in the AndroidManifest.xml file).
I believe the Sync Gateway is not locked down. Is there a similar setting needed for a socket connection in Android PIE? A sample of the failure to connect run log is below
E/CouchbaseLite/NETWORK: CBLWebSocket.socket_open()
W/CouchbaseLite/NETWORK: WebSocketListener.onFailure() response -> Response{protocol=http/1.0, code=401, message=Unauthorized, url=}: Expected HTTP 101 response but was ‘401 Unauthorized’
W/CouchbaseLite/NETWORK: {N8litecore4repl12C4SocketImplE#1}==> N8litecore4repl12C4SocketImplE ws:// @0x70cbc4e130
{N8litecore4repl12C4SocketImplE#1} WebSocket closed abnormally with status 401
W/CouchbaseLite/NETWORK: C4Socket.dispose() handle -> 484455014976
E/CouchbaseLite/REPLICATOR: {Repl#2}==> N8litecore4repl10ReplicatorE /data/user/0/ ->ws:// @0x70b8537dc8
E/CouchbaseLite/REPLICATOR: {Repl#2} Got LiteCore error: WebSocket error 401 “Unauthorized”
W/CouchbaseLite/NETWORK: socket -> 484425436608 clazz -> com.couchbase.lite.internal.replicator.CBLWebSocket
E/CouchbaseLite/NETWORK: CBLWebSocket.socket_open()
W/CouchbaseLite/NETWORK: WebSocketListener.onFailure() response -> Response{protocol=http/1.0, code=502, message=Bad Gateway, url=}: Expected HTTP 101 response but was ‘502 Bad Gateway’
W/CouchbaseLite/NETWORK: {N8litecore4repl12C4SocketImplE#3}==> N8litecore4repl12C4SocketImplE ws:// @0x70ca018cb0
{N8litecore4repl12C4SocketImplE#3} WebSocket closed abnormally with status 502